Shelter Bible Church
We are a group of dedicated individuals passionate about serving the Lord.
We believe that God exists and is not silent. He created the world, directs the course of history, and desires a restored relationship with each person.
We believe that the Bible is the complete, inspired, and inerrant Word of God. It tells us who God is and what He wants of us. It is our instruction manual and love letter.
We believe that mankind is separated from God because He is perfect and we are sinful. The result of sin is death - eternal separation from Him. To bring us back into fellowship with Him, God sent His perfect Son, Jesus. Jesus took our place in death and paid with His blood. Our faith in Jesus brings forgiveness and restoration with God.
We believe that Jesus rose from the dead, raising those who trust in Him to life. He lives today. Returning to the Father, He left the Holy Spirit to bring people to salvation, to lead the church into all truth, and to seal believers in Christ until His return.
OUR Vision
Communities Taking Refuge in JESUS and Reaching the World
At 'Shelter' we want to be characterized by a growing, truthful, and experiential knowledge of God
We have been inspired by Francis Schaffer’s L’Abri (translated: shelter); a place (community) where people can come to hear the truth of the Word on all aspects of life, without the pressure of secular society, and be free from judgment. Corporately, Shelter embraces building up the global Church. Locally, we are passionate about building up diverse communities of people who are anchored to Jesus. These communities are led by men who are passionate about caring for, and protecting, the people of God.
OUR Mission
We are here for you
bringing people to JESUS
We believe that the Lord intends us to live in community. We seek the lost wherever they are found, and wherever we are sent; be it in our neighborhoods, or an island across the sea. We invite them to come, and challenge them to find Jesus.
teaching people about JESUS
This is so we can know, by truth and practice, what the hope of his calling is, what the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints is, and what the incomparable greatness of his power towards us who believe is.
showing people how to live in JESUS
As with the early Church, the ingredients are simple in our meeting together. We devote ourselves to the instruction manual, God's Word, which keeps us straight; to prayer, which keeps us dependent; to fellowship, which keeps us burning; and to the Lord's Supper, which keeps Jesus Christ before us.
sending people to proclaim JESUS
World missions at Shelter Bible Church is a growing and exciting part of the local church. We are serious about the great commission and how WE can be a part of it. We have a month of mission focus each year and are actively seeking how God wants to use us and our resources for furthering the work of God in the world.
Come as you are
The Word is full of invitation and challenge. We want to be passionate about both. The invitation of Christ is boundless, reckless even: COME. His challenge is likewise so, do not come to stay as you are, but to be made new. On Sundays we have extended times (before and after teaching) of fellowship so that you can get connected. During the week we challenge you to stay connected through small groups, through prayer, and receiving/extending hospitality in our/your homes. Also expect: loud worship in song, and many, many children.
Biblical Eldership
Learn More About Our Elder Team
While Christ is the Head and ultimate authority over the Church, local assemblies are the New Testament pattern and have been given a design for leadership which includes elders. These are a team of biblically qualified men who shepherd, oversee and lead a local body of believers. An elder is the same as a pastor, shepherd or overseer. SBC has nine elders currently.
Stephen Bailey
Appointed in 2001
Mike Kolasa
Appointed in 2007
Blaine Bronson
Appointed in 2009
Gary Jenkins
Appointed in 2006
Chad Personett
Appointed in 2016
Eric Jensen
Appointed in 2016