Sundays At SBC
We begin each morning with worship in song. Our worship leaders go before the Body, helping to prepare our hearts to come before the Lord, to receive his teaching from the Word, and to Fellowship in Truth and Love.
We are encouraged to not just sing songs, but to let go of what is temporary and enter in to what is eternal. We are loud and enthusiastic in this pursuit. Our songs can be brand-new, or ancient, but all are reverent and focused on worshiping the Name Above All Names. We can be accompanied in song by drums, or violin, or electric guitar, or acoustic guitar, or nothing at all.
Lord's Supper
The Lord's Supper (Communion) is where the family of believers remembers and confesses Jesus Christ as Lord. The Table is a place for families. Children are under parents' authority. We ask that parents judge for themselves the spiritual life in their children according to the Bible. It is our preference that children are able to understand what Christ has done in their lives through his death and resurrection and to maintain proper respect throughout the service to their parents, others, and to the Lord, if they participate. Families are to work at being a minimum distraction for the entire church.
We have several teaching elders. Our elders take turns covering scripture by book and chapter. We cover a book in entirety before moving on to the next. Teaching is expository. You can find recorded audio sermons for weeks that you may have missed here
Children are a blessing from God and a priority for the believing family. You will find many of these blessings at SBC. We desire to equip families to train up a child in the Word of God and the love of Christ. SBC cannot replace the parent in this task and privilege, but does aim to provide tools for the home. Deuteronomy 6 sets the vision for the Christian home. Moses writes:
"Listen, Israel: The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! You must love the LORD your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength.
These words I am commanding you today must be kept in mind, and you must teach them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, as you lie down, and as you get up. You should tie them as a reminder on your forearm and fasten them as symbols on your forehead. Inscribe them on the doorframes of your houses and gates." (NET Bible)
Nursery is available for children 0-2, and Sunday school classes are offered for children up to ages 8y. Children are taught through the whole Bible using a curriculum authored by a local church in Spokane, Washington. The curriculum is on an approximate 7 years cycle, teaching through all the books of the Bible. Samples may be seen at
Fellowship & Community Groups
On Sundays, we encourage you to come early (doors open at 10a) and stay late. Fellowship is a vital part of the Christian life. We have a monthly potluck (every 2nd Sunday) to encourage connection.
We also encourage people to have consistent fellowship during the week. Biblical fellowship is more than the happy socializing of friends. It is the upholding of Kingdom values through honest conversations saturated in the Word of God – the ministering of encouragement and exhortation to one another. The gathering of believers also may include prayer, song, Bible study, and even remembering Christ in the Lord’s Table.
Various small group opportunities have existed at SBC over the years. During the winter months, October through May, small groups meet on weeknights according to geography (e.g. North Pole) or format (e.g. BILD coursework, Bible study, etc.) – depending on the Lord’s leading and the strengths and desire of the small group leader.
Because small groups are not the only means to the vital fellowship believers need, several other opportunities are recognized for fellowship ministry at SBC. Some of these ministries are the least visible or programmed, including hospitality (especially for strangers/newcomers to SBC) and discipleship, which is a personal and invested mentoring relationship.
Men’s and women’s ministries also become available throughout the different seasons. During the winter, Men have gathered around a weekly bonfire at subzero temps to read aloud, or met weekly for breakfast for a ‘think tank’ in the Word. Women have gathered regularly for Bible studies and prayer in both daytime and evenings.
Alaska itself affords innumerous opportunities to fellowship through hunting, fishing, camping, cooking, canning, knitting, skiing, and the like. Our primary objective in fellowship is the strengthening of genuine relationships that exalt Christ and His Kingdom. Please get involved. Contact us and see the our calendar for current opportunities.